Thursday, April 9, 2020

How to grade your organization's COVID-19 response

Very simple letter grade for your organization's response to COVID-19.  How is your company organization doing?

F--Do nothing or close your doors

This means that you are going to carry on as if nothing is wrong.  Outside of a few churches that believe that God will protect them, I know of no organization that has done this.

I do know of many organizations that have simply closed their doors and are making plans to go bankrupt once they can go to court.  Since they are making no plans for survival, they would also get an F grade.

D--Business as usual as much as possible without many additional steps other than to move everything online

There are a few organizations that have done this.  Some have moved everything online, but with little concern for the safety of their people.  This includes mental health checks.  Being stuck inside most of the day takes a toll on people, especially during the spring. 

Some organizations have done nothing other than to declare themselves essential, but are carrying on as normal. 

If either of these describes your organization, then give yourself a D grade.

C--Taking steps to ensure employees or members of your organization are safe and changing business activities to ensure safety

Many business have reduced their hours, changed the way they operated to protect their employees.  For paid employees, however, to reach this level, you will have needed to evaluate your benefits package, ensure that employees tests are covered in the benefits package, ensure that employees know and understand that they do not come to work if they are feeling ill.  In other words, not only protect your employees from getting sick, but remove their worries if they do. 

B--C and taking steps to continue to connect with and care for and continue serve the customer in spite of needed restrictions

Your most loyal customers are going to be the ones that will initially lift you after the crisis is over.  They will be the first to return when conditions return to normal.  Do everything you can to remain loyal to them.  Keep in contact with them.  Offer them coupons and discount packages that are valid once business returns to normal.  Thank them for keeping you in business over the years and for their help for keeping your in business after the crisis.  If you do this, you have earned a B grade.

A--B and making plans for growth AFTER the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and normal activities resume

Benjamin Franklin reportedly said, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."  What are your plans after the crisis is over?  How is the world going to be different?  Can you find a new niche in the post-crisis world.  Smart organizations are making these plans.  If you are, give yourself an A.

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