I would like to thank Jay MacFarland, former radio host and congressional candidate for some of these ideas. He deserves a lot of the credit. He may not like being associated with this blog, and I don't blame him for that.
I am changing the original post from what I had before.
To understand what happened in DC, you need to understand the Trump Supporters at this stage in the game. Here is a summary.
-There is a Deep State. Bureaucrats that are so entrenched in Washington that they will not be moved. These are the people who really run the country. It doesn't matter who is in charge in Congress, the White House or the Courts, they will always run things. They are more entrenched than the Mafia, or the KGB. They will do anything to hold onto power.
-The ultimate goal of the Deep State is to take away your gun rights so that no one has the power to revolt against the government.
-The one person, more than anyone else that the Deep State fears is Donald Trump. He has been working to expose them and if he gets another four years, these men and women will go to jail and get their just desserts.
-Therefore, these people did everything in their power to rig the election against Donald Trump. They inflated COVID-19 numbers so that people would fear the disease. (Some even say that the disease does not even exist.) This caused some states to illegally change laws. They also hacked into Dominion voting machines to change people's votes. Everyone knows that Donald Trump really won by a landslide.
Now that you know, what good will impeaching Trump do? What good will invoking the 25th amendment do? It will only prove to them that this is all true, at least in their minds. That they were right all along. It will likely lead to more violence. After all, one thing that seems to work in these days United States is violence.
But it is not all bad. Almost every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he loses support. Someone speaks out against him, he calls them a loser or worse Trump pushes and pushes until he pushes you over the line. Then when you realize you have gone too far, you speak back. Then he turns on you. This has been the pattern for the past four years. It will be the pattern until the day Donald Trump dies. It is who he is. Eventually, there will be no one on Donald Trump's side.
After tonight, four senators who were going to challenge the election results changed their mind. They sided with Biden after all.
Here is what I think should happen.
Arrest and prosecute Rudy Giuliani, charge him with inciting a riot. His comments before the riot are all over the internet. He said what he said and can't deny it. He's guilty. He will appeal to Trump for a pardon, but will not likely get it. Rudy will realize he has gone too far and turn on Trump. Just like Nixon was unable to pardon Liddy. Trump will dump him.
Arrest everyone who was inside the capital building. Charge them as domestic terrorists, eligible for the death penalty or at least life in prison. Make examples of them. None will receive a pardon.
Trump, leave him alone. Let him talk. He will continue to lose support until he has none?